8 Weeks Study Plan to prepare Data Structures and Algorithm Interview

Kajal Rawal
1 min readJun 9, 2023

Here’s a breakdown of the study schedule for data structures and algorithm topics with a daily allocation of 2 hours for each week over an 8-week period:

  1. Week 1:
    - Arrays and Strings (3 days)
    - Linked Lists (2 days)
    - Stack and Queue (2 days)
  2. Week 2:
    - Trees and Binary Search Trees (3 days)
    - Heaps (2 days)
    - Graphs (3 days)
  3. Week 3:
    - Hash Tables (2 days)
    - Sorting Algorithms (3 days)
    - Searching Algorithms (2 days)
    - Recursion (1 day)



Kajal Rawal

Programming isn’t about what you know; it’s about what you can figure out.